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IP67 protection standard

Time: 2023-10-24 Browse: 228

      The IP67 standard refers to the level of protection and safety. IP is the abbreviation for Ingress Protection Rating (or International Protection code), which defines the protective ability of an interface against liquid and solid particles. The IP is followed by two digits, with the first representing the solid state protection level, ranging from 0 to 6, representing protection from large particles of foreign objects to dust; The second is the liquid protection level, ranging from 0 to 8, which respectively represents the protection from vertical water droplets to underwater pressure. The larger the number, the stronger the ability.

      The explanation of IP67 is to protect against dust inhalation (overall protection against contact and dust penetration); Protection against brief immersion (anti immersion). The highest level achieved in the wiring industry is IP68. In addition, industrial connectors also have considerations for other harsh environments such as temperature and seismic resistance.

     Our company's plastic protective boxes all meet the IP67 protection safety level.